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yogi reppmann

Peace Letters Conference Program, May 2022

We are glad to announce that we are able to hold our Rotary Peace Conference, especially after needing to postpone it in October 2021.

We are entering what is being called a Zeitenwende (a New Epoche). The timeless Rotary Keokuk Peace Letters from 1932 give answers to the challenges that Eastern Europe and especially Ukraine are facing in these tragic days.

Our "Democracy Under Fire" Conference in Northfield, Minnesota will take place from May 23-27, 2022, shortly before the RI World Convention in Houston, Texas. With an international

group of friends we will develop new concepts & ideas on supporting democracy in Eastern Europe, offering help to all the new refugees from violence, and assisting Ukraine.

"Peace Letters meet Star Peace" on Wednesday, May 25 will be a highlight of the conference, and on May 27 a children's choir will serenade Dr. Henry Kissinger on his 99th birthday.

You are cordially invited to familiarize yourselves with the diverse conference program and to register via Eventbrite. The conference will also be presented via Livestream on YouTube, and a link for the stream will be emailed.

(International guests must use PayPal & a credit card on Eventbrite; new accounts are not required.)

• World’s largest Children’s Choir singing for Peace: Rotary Peace Letters meet StarPeace

• Putin the new Stalin — overview of how Stalin destroyed all Rotarian friendships

• How can we support refugees in Eastern Europe?

• Schurz Award for former RI President Knaack

• Dr. Kissinger’s 99th Birthday

Goals of our Conference:

  • What new concepts for helping Eastern Europe can we suggest to the worldwide Rotarian community?

  • How can we organize -after the terrible war- sustainable reconstruction aid to Ukraine?

  • What practical organizational structures have been developed during our conference?

The moving responses received by the Keokuk Rotary Club from all over the world at the beginning of the 1930s and the further development of this global action up to the present day are documented at:

Dr. Sabine Schwachula, RC eClub Cologne,; Anthony (Tony) Conn, RC Keokuk, Iowa;Dr. Joachim (Yogi) Reppmann (+1507-581-6734 & Dr. Todd Thomson, President, & RC Northfield, Minnesota, USA —

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