Timeless Spirit of the Peace Pipe: Rotary is needed!
By Rtn. Anthony Conn — www.KeokukPeaceLetters.com To Native Americans the Peace Pipe* is offered to uphold and affirm agreements and...
Timeless Spirit of the Peace Pipe: Rotary is needed!
Invitation to RC Northfield, Minnesota, Centennial Celebration 2025 (Teaser)
Conference Report by Matthias Schütt, RC Ratzeburg- Alte Salzstraße
1932-2022: Nationalism - Then & Now
RC-Jerusalem, Christmas 1931: "We leave our differences at the door!"
Christmas 1931 Letter from RC Jerusalem
RC Keokik Peace Letters Project Connects The World
Prof. Dr. Michael Göring: "Rotary as a Community of Values" (PDF, German)
Original RC Keokuk Peace Letter from 1931