INVITE: Paris Peace Conference, Feb. 1 '25:
"We have Jews and equally strong Anti-Zionistic Arabs in our Rotary Club. We are a living 'Pipe of Peace' always being smoked."...
INVITE: Paris Peace Conference, Feb. 1 '25:
Timeless Spirit of the Peace Pipe: Rotary is needed!
Wishing you all the best in 2023!—Along with an invite for you to consider.
Invitation to RC Northfield, Minnesota, Centennial Celebration 2025 (Teaser)
Peace Letters Conference Program, May 2022
"Spellbinding Rotary video talk!" R. Schulte
1932-2022: Nationalism - Then & Now
RC-Jerusalem, Christmas 1931: "We leave our differences at the door!"
p'review - Rotary Conference Magazine
Rotary Keokuk Peace Letters, 1932-2022: Nationalism, Then & Now - Invite Peace Conference
Virtual Invite 2021
Rotary and its Enthusiasm for Peace: