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Amerika: Hoffnung und Sehnsucht — Aus alten Auswanderer-Rathgebern

Wie Auswanderer frueher auf ihr neues Leben in Amerika vorbereitet wurden - Auszuege aus alten "Rathgebern". Gut gemeinte Tipps nach dem damaligen Wissensstand, die heute jedoch zum Teil naiv oder erheiternd wirken. Diese Zusammenstellung gibt ein lebendiges Bild von der Situation der Auswanderer im 19. Jahrhundert. (Ein Publikation im kleinen "Kuechtisch - Buchverlag" ["Chamaeleon-Verlag.", Flensburg/Kiel] der Studentenzeit

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The question that confronts us today is the same as in 1931-32: Do our leaders have the capacity to reach beyond their grasp, to challenge us to seek the higher angels of nature, to choose "Be informed! Be informed!" rather than "Be afraid! Be afraid!" In the end, however, we know that world peace is too important to be left in the hands of our leaders. Peace starts in our own back yards when we speak our for understanding when their is disharmony, food security where there is hunger, health care where there is disease, education where there is illiteracy, conservation where there is environmental harm, sustainable development where there is poverty ... and when we write letters across border to build goodwill and better friendships. - William Tubbs (2019)

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